Full & Subsidised Fares
The following list provides you with a link to the Fare Tables for travel to and from various destinations. Please click on the school or suburb from the above list that you wish to travel to and/or from. A PDF file will open showing a table of the applicable fares from your suburb.
To view our current bus fares please click on one of the headings below :
Fare Increases - Cash fares for passengers on school bus services are overseen by the Qld Goverment through service providers who have a prescribed school service contract for fares-based school services and kilometre-based school services and sets out the maximum cash fare that can be charged. A fare can be charged in certain circumstances where a passenger undertakes a journey that is not funded by the Department of Transport and Main Roads. The fare payable by a passenger is calculated by the shortest trafficable distance between the point on the avaliable bus route nearest their home where the passenger boards the bus, and the school they are attending. Where a journey for a student exceeds the journey funded by the department, the service provider may charge the student an excess fare, known as a Top-up Fare. Information on top-up fares is contained in the School Transport Assistance Scheme Policy available at translink.com.au. It should be noted that the school transport maximum cash fare schedule is the maximum allowable fare and is not a mandatory fare schedule.each year fares may be increased by only a maximum of 10% each six months, until the maximum fare is reached.
on the 5th February
2025 Fare increase - most cash fares will be increase by 10% on the 28th January 2025, the above link will be updated to reflect these changes.
Fare Evasion
Unfortunately, the incidence of fare evasion by school students has increased in recent times. Some students have exploited the framework for safe travel of school students by not paying the correct fare, thinking that they will not be refused travel. Stakeholders need to work collaboratively to make sure that it is clear that this type of behaviour will not be tolerated. There are clear consequences outlined in these guidelines for students deemed to be in breach of the Code and fare evasion would generally be considered a Category 1 (irresponsible) breach of the Code. In deciding the consequences for a particular breach, the bus operator follows the processes outlined in the Code which include referring to the bus driver’s report and consulting with parents/carers and the relevant school. It is important for the integrity of the Code, and public transport services generally, that appropriate consequences apply to students who are not prepared to pay for the service.
Code of conduct
More than 150,000 Queensland students travel to school by bus every day. To keep other passengers and bus drivers safe and comfortable, all school students are required to comply with the Code of Conduct for School Students Travelling on Buses (PDF, 904KB). Supporting the Code of Conduct is the Safe Travel of School Students Guiding Principles (PDF, 665KB).
The code sets out the expected behaviour of students while travelling on the bus and the consequences for breaching the code and provides a framework to manage student misconduct. The guiding principles reinforce the roles and responsibilities of bus operators, parents, schools and other stakeholders who play a key role in the safe travel of school students. They encourage stakeholders to collaborate to ensure students are educated on the code of conduct and to work together to identify and address issues as they arise.
The code, revised in 2013/2014, and guiding principles are initiatives of the Bus Safety Committee chaired by the Assistant Minister for Transport and including representatives from key government agencies, the bus industry, a union, and school parent groups. The non-government school was also involved in the review of the code of conduct.