What do I need to travel on Southern Cross Transit bus services?
All passengers wanting to use any of Southern Cross Transit services must pay a fare using a valid PASS for the journey they are undertaking.
Acceptable Payment - All Fare Payments must be made using our prepaid transportme SMARTCARD system. We no longer accept cash payments, however if you are still waiting for a card to arrive, the driver will take down the student's name and we will organise payment with you through the office.
SMARTCARD App - please click on this link for information (CLICK HERE)
SMARTCARD Term & Conditions - please click on this link for information (CLICK HERE)
SmartCards - Everything you need to know
STUDENT TRANSPORT ASSISTANCE SCHEME (STAS) - Free & Subsidised Travel Assistance from Queensland Government
General eligibility criteria - Students may be eligible for assistance under STAS if they:
have parents/guardians who are residents of Queensland
attend an approved school on a full-time basis
are younger than 19 years of age
are seeking transport assistance to and from school
are travelling more than 1 trip per week
Below is an instructional video on how to apply online for Travel Assistance
If you are a NEW STUDENT in 2025 you ...
- may be eligible for FREE OR SUBSIDISED bus travel, scroll down to apply
If you are starting YEAR 7 in 2025 you ...
- MUST re-apply to continue FREE OR SUBSIDISED bus travel under STAS, you must do this even if you are entering Year 7 and attending the same school/college as you were in Year 6..
- MUST re-apply even if you have been paying the full fare so we can confirm your eligibility and ensure you are getting any subsidies you may now be eligible for..
If you are a RETURNING STUDENT in 2025 and you ..
were a STUDENT WHO TRAVELLED FREE IN 2024 and you held a Southern Cross Transit transportme SmartCard Pass in 2024 and your circumstances have NOT changed e.g. you have NOT moved, or NOT changed schools etc, you can continue to use your pass in 2025.
were a STUDENT WHO PAID A TOP-UP FARE 2024 and you held a Southern Cross Transit transportme TOP-UP SmartCard Pass in 2024 and your circumstances have NOT changed e.g. you have NOT moved, or NOT changed schools etc, you can continue to use your pass in 2025.
HAVE changed your circumstances e.g. you HAVE moved, or HAVE changed schools etc, you MUST re-apply for FREE OR SUBSIDISED bus travel. If you previously held a transportme SmartCard Pass, it will NOT be valid for travel until you have completed and successfully been assessed to receive STAS assistance.
were a STUDENT WHO PAID A FULL CASH FARE IN 2024 and you DID hold a Southern Cross Transit transportme Pass in 2024 and used this when boarding the bus, you can continue to use your transportme SmartCard Pass in 2025.
NOTE: Qld Government FREE or SUBSIDISED travel is only available to eligible students travelling to and from school under the School Transport Assistance Scheme (STAS).
There are two types of Transport Assistance avaliable, please see below for details.
Type 1 - Distance Based Bus Transport Assistance - Students who satisfy the above STAS general eligibility criteria may also be eligible for distance based assistance. To be eligible for distance based assistance:
students attending a State Primary school who live more than 3.2 km from the school are eligible for FREE TRAVEL
students attending a State High school who live more than 4.8 km from the school are eligible for FREE TRAVEL
non-state school students must live more than the required distances (shown above) from both the nearest state and non-state school of the type attended to recieve any STAS assistance. Please note that a TOP UP CASH FARE may be payable to the bus driver when traveling to a non-state school under these circumstances
All measurements are by the shortest trafficable route and are based on the nearest school which offers the required year level
Please note the following;
Distance Based FREE BUS TRAVEL - is ONLY applicable if you are eligible for STAS travel assistance and you are attending your nearest State School
Distance Based TOP-UP FARE BUS TRAVEL - if you are eligible for STAS travel assistance and you are NOT attending your nearest State School students, you must pay the Top-Up Fare which will printed on the BUS PASS we will issue to you.
(Click Here) to find out more information on the Top-Up Fares
Type 2 - Safety-Net Based Bus transport assistance - Safety-net travel assistance is available for students who are financially disadvantaged and live close to their nearest state school. To be eligible for safety-net assistance, students must live under the distances stated for distance based assistance, and be listed as a dependent on the applicant's -
Health Care Card issued by the Department of Human Services (or hold their own Health Care Card)
Pensioner Concession Card issued by the Department of Human Services
Department of Veterans’ Affairs Pensioner Concession Card; or
be a student placed under a Child Protection Order by the Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services
Please note that a TOP UP CASH FARE may be payable to the bus driver when traveling under these circumstances
Students must also NOT be in receipt of any other STAS assistance. Applications must be in the name of the cardholder and require evidence of eligibility to meet the above safety-net criteria. The cardholder must sign a certification allowing data matching to occur under Centrelink. Applicants who do not agree to this condition will not be eligible to receive safety-net assistance.
Please note the following;
Safety Net FREE BUS TRAVEL - is ONLY applicable if you are eligible for STAS travel assistance and you are attending your nearest State School in some suburbs. Please call our office on 3813 8900 to find out more information.
Safety Net Top-Up FARE BUS TRAVEL - if you are eligible for STAS travel assistance and you are attending a school in a suburb which is not eligible for Free Travel, you must pay the Top-Up Fare which will printed on the BUS PASS we will issue to you. (Click Here) to find out more information on the Top-Up Fares