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Cashless SmartCards available

From the commencement of Term 3, we will be rolling out our cashless SmartCard system.

What are the SmartCards?

They are a cashless tap on / tap off card, similar to the "GoCard" where parents or students can apply funds directly to the card via the transportMe app, get it on the app store.

The roll out schedule

This will be a scheduled roll out over the first few weeks of term 3, starting with the following services:

S60 / S61 Keep an eye out on our social media / website to find out the next lot of services being rolled out.

If you use these services, please apply for a SmartCard via one of these methods:

In office - Come see us and we can issue your card over the counter.

Online - Fill out this form and we will mail you out your new SmartCard. Or give it to our driver to hand to the student when they next board.

SmartCards will replace our existing bus passes, don't worry, your current bus pass will be valid until you receive your new SmartCard, however it is mandatory that you apply for a new card, there is no cost for upgrading. Our goal is by 2018, all students are to be using the new system.

What you need to know

Existing FULL PASS holders:

Your new SmartCard simply replaces your bus pass, you will be required to tap on / tap off when using our buses.

Existing pass holders are required to hand in their old bus pass in order to receive their new SmartCard. Old passes can be handed into the office or to the driver when boarding.

Existing PART PASS holders:

Your new SmartCard will replace your existing part pass, the associated fare you pay will be applied to your SmartCard. The important thing to note is by using the new SmartCard, if you previously purchased a weekly ticket to take advantage of our discounted rate, need not worry as by using the new SmartCard you only every pay the discounted rate.

  • Term pass? - If at the time of applying for your SmartCard, you are the holder of a term pass, don't worry. We will issue your new SmartCard with funds already applied, equal to the remaining value of your current term pass.

Existing pass holders are required to hand in their old bus pass in order to receive their new SmartCard. Old passes can be handed into the office or to the driver when boarding.

Students with NO BUS PASS:

A SmartCard is required, so please apply. Note, as above by using a SmartCard you will be paying a discounted rate.


If you have any questions, please get in touch with our office on 07 3812 2520.

Copyright Southern Cross Transit 2017

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