This year has brought new challenges with scheduling school runs and we appreciate your patience while we have dealt with this.
These challenges are well reported by the media, ABC NEWS in particular, and other motoring organisations such as RACQ and we quote them:
“RACQ found congestion levels for the month of February have so far been well above average compared to previous years, with Tuesday February 2 seeing 90 per cent more congestion on Brisbane's roads than the same date in 2019 and 2020”.
This has added another layer of complexity to our commute to/from schools and colleges and we have been working our way through this with the schools. At this point it does not seem like the traffic congestion will die down any time soon (as it has in previous years).
Therefore in consultation with St Peters Lutheran College we have made the decision to move our St Peters, Indooroopilly SHS, BBC and QASMT services forward by 10 minutes on the morning services.
These new timetables will commence
If you have any further enquiries regarding these change in times, please do not hesitate to contact us on 07 3813 8900 or by emailing enquiries@southerncrosstransit.com.au.
For new timetables please click here: